Renkler, günlük hayatımızın ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. İngilizce’de renkleri öğrenmek, dil becerilerimizi geliştirmemize yardımcı olur ve iletişimimizi zenginleştirir. Renkleri öğrenmek, günlük hayatta karşılaştığımız nesneleri ve duyguları daha iyi ifade etmemizi sağlar. Her bir rengin kendine özgü bir anlamı ve etkisi vardır. 

Colors (Renkler)

This is red
This is red
This is orange
This is orange
This is yellow
This is yellow
This is blue
This is blue
This is green
This is green
This is purple
This is purple


Examples (Örnek Cümleler)

The sky is blue.
(Gökyüzü mavidir.)

My shirt is red.
(Benim gömleğim kırmızıdır.)

The grass is green.
(Çimen yeşildir.)

The sun is yellow.
(Güneş sarıdır.)

Her dress is pink.
(Onun elbisesi pembe.)

The stop sign is red.
(Dur işareti kırmızıdır.)

The snow is white.
(Kar beyazdır.)

The school bus is yellow.
(Okul otobüsü sarıdır.)

The cat is black.
(Kedi siyahtır.)

The flower is purple.
(Çiçek mor renktedir.)

What’s your favorite color?

What’s your favorite color?

Lyrics (Şarkı sözleri)


My favorite color’s blue, how ‘bout you, how ‘bout you?
My favorite color’s blue, how ‘bout you, how ‘bout you?


My favorite color’s red, I like red, I like red!
My favorite color’s red, I like red, I like red!

Colors, colors,
What’s your favorite color?
Colors, colors,
What’s your favorite color?


My favorite color’s green, I like green, I like green!
My favorite color’s green, I like green, I like green!


My favorite color’s yellow, I like yellow, I like yellow!
My favorite color’s yellow, I like yellow, I like yellow!

Colors, colors,
What’s your favorite color?
Colors, colors,
What’s your favorite color?


My favorite color’s orange, I like orange, I like orange!
My favorite color’s orange, I like orange, I like orange!


My favorite color’s purple, I like purple, I like purple!
My favorite color’s purple, I like purple, I like purple!

Colors, colors,
What’s your favorite color?
Colors, colors,
What’s your favorite color?

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